Harnessing AI Translation: Unlocking Global Potential with Lokalise

Explore the advantages of using Lokalise AI for localization. Learn how its automation, integration, and quality control features can streamline your processes and accelerate global market entry. Perfect for businesses of all sizes!

Mendy Berrebi
By Mendy Berrebi
27 Min Read

Introduction to Lokalise AI

A robust tool designed to streamline your localization process, Lokalise AI is ideal for optimizing web applications, boosting customer service capabilities, and enhancing marketing strategies. Dive into how it offers a comprehensive solution to transform your localization efforts and expand your global reach.

What is Lokalise AI and How Does it Transform Localization?

Lokalise AI represents a quantum leap in localization technology, offering businesses a powerful suite of tools to manage translation processes seamlessly. By integrating with your existing tech stack, Lokalise AI allows you to translate, collaborate, and automate tedious tasks from a single platform. But how exactly does it transform localization? Here’s a closer look:

Introducing Lokalise AI
  • Streamlined Workflows: Lokalise AI eliminates complex and disjointed localization workflows, making the process more efficient. With tools like translation memory, machine translation, and quality assurance checks, the platform ensures high-quality translations with less effort.
  • Collaboration and Control: Manage your localization projects effectively by collaborating in a unified workspace. Lokalise AI enables you to assign tasks, track progress, and ensure that everyone is on the same page, which dramatically shortens the time to market.
  • Intelligent Automation: With AI-driven features, Lokalise AI can handle mundane localization tasks automatically. From smart translations that adapt to the context and tone of your content to integrations with design and development tools like Adobe XD, Figma, and Sketch, it supports a proactive localization environment.
  • Enhanced Quality and Speed: Utilize Lokalise AI’s advanced capabilities to produce context-aware translations that don’t just translate words but convey meanings. This not only boosts the accuracy of translations but also significantly speeds up the process, allowing for rapid deployment across different markets.
  • Cost-Effective Scaling: Lokalise AI helps you scale your localization efforts without a corresponding increase in costs. By optimizing and automating large parts of the translation process, you can handle more content across more languages, all while keeping expenses in check.

🔥Pro Tip: To maximize the impact of Lokalise AI, integrate it early in the development cycle of your products. This allows for simultaneous localization and development, reducing delays and improving overall efficiency.

👇 Are you ready to upgrade your localization strategy with Lokalise AI? Share how you plan to implement these tools in your projects in the comments below!

Streamlining Development with Lokalise AI

Offering seamless integrations with numerous development tools, Lokalise AI enhances productivity and efficiency, effectively removing any bottlenecks in the localization process. By making localization a parallel, integrated aspect of the development cycle, it ensures smoother transitions and faster time-to-market. Explore how Lokalise AI can seamlessly blend into your development ecosystem.

Lokalise AI: Automations
Set up custom rules to keep your project moving along automatically. With the Automations feature enabled, the system will automatically perform certain actions based on identified changes, e.g. run pre-translation with TMs, use machine translations, pseudolocalization, etc.

Integrating Lokalise with Dev Tools

Integrating Lokalise AI with development tools not only simplifies the technical aspects of localization but also aligns them perfectly with your development timelines. Here’s how Lokalise AI makes it all happen:

  • Direct Integration with Code Repositories: Lokalise AI can be linked directly to your GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, or Azure Repos repositories. This allows for automatic syncing of language files whenever changes are pushed to these repositories, ensuring that your localization efforts are always up-to-date with the latest codebase.
  • CLI and API Capabilities: For developers who prefer a more hands-on approach, Lokalise offers a powerful Command Line Interface (CLI) and an extensive API. These tools provide the flexibility to create custom workflows and integrate localization into your CI/CD pipelines, enabling automatic translations as part of your build process.
  • Plugins for Design Tools: Lokalise AI extends its functionality into the realm of design with plugins for popular tools like Adobe XD, Figma, and Sketch. These integrations allow designers to start localizing designs from the earliest stages of the development process, ensuring that language adaptations are considered and implemented right from the initial design phase.
  • Automations and Webhooks: By setting up automations and webhooks, Lokalise AI can perform predefined actions such as pre-translations using Translation Memories (TMs) or running machine translations. These automations can trigger based on specific events, reducing manual oversight and speeding up the localization process.
  • Cloud Storage Integrations: Lokalise AI supports direct uploads and downloads from cloud storage solutions like Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage. This feature streamlines the management of language files, allowing teams to store and retrieve translation files directly from their preferred cloud service.

🔥Pro Tip: To leverage Lokalise AI most effectively, use its in-context editors. These tools allow translators to see how translations will appear within the actual application, ensuring that the context and spacing are correct, and significantly reducing the time spent on revisions.

🚀 Take Action: Ready to enhance your development workflow with Lokalise AI? Start integrating these powerful tools today and transform how your team handles localization. Witness firsthand the boost in efficiency and the reduction in development time.

AI-Driven Translation Features

Leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies, Lokalise AI provides advanced translation features that enhance efficiency and accuracy. This section delves into how the platform incorporates AI-driven capabilities to revolutionize the translation process, making it faster, smarter, and more context-sensitive, thus breaking language barriers and enhancing global communication.

Lokalise AI: translations that sound human
Translate content with context for more accurate translations. Guide Lokalise AI on tone, style, industry, audience, and more, for translations that sound human.

Advanced AI Translation Capabilities

AI-driven translation features in Lokalise are designed to handle the complexities of language with ease and precision. Here’s a closer look at these capabilities:

  • Context-Aware Translations: Lokalise AI excels in providing translations that are not just literal but also contextually appropriate. The system uses sophisticated AI algorithms to understand the nuances of content, ensuring that the translations are contextually aligned with the intended message, tone, and style.
  • Speed and Scalability: With Lokalise AI, translations happen in seconds, not hours. The platform’s AI capabilities allow for rapid scaling of translation tasks across multiple languages simultaneously, significantly reducing time-to-market for products needing localization.
  • Human-Like Quality: Lokalise AI’s translations often rival those of human translators in terms of quality. The AI evaluates multiple translation engines and selects the best one for the specific content type and language pair, delivering translations that sound natural and are culturally relevant.
  • Customizable AI Translations: Users have the ability to guide Lokalise AI in terms of tone, style, and industry-specific terminology. This customization ensures that the translations meet the unique needs of different businesses and sectors, maintaining brand consistency across languages.
  • Translation Memory Systems: Lokalise AI utilizes advanced translation memory technologies to store previously translated phrases and sentences. This not only speeds up the translation process by avoiding redundant work but also maintains consistency across translations.
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Automation: AI-driven QA checks in Lokalise ensure that translations meet high standards of quality and accuracy. These automated checks help identify and correct common translation errors, such as typos, grammatical mistakes, and inconsistencies, before the final delivery.

🔥Pro Tip: To get the most out of Lokalise AI, regularly update your translation memory and glossary. This helps the AI learn from past translations, continuously improving accuracy and consistency over time.

👇What’s your experience with AI-driven translation tools like Lokalise? Have they changed the way you approach localization? Let’s discuss in the comments!

Enhancing Localization Workflows

Standing at the forefront of global business challenges, Lokalise AI offers innovative solutions that enhance and streamline the process of adapting content across different languages and cultures. This discussion focuses on how the platform not only simplifies but also enhances localization workflows, making them more dynamic and responsive to the needs of modern enterprises.

Lokalise AI workflow
Integrate localization into continuous product development

Lokalise AI workflow mobile
Integrate localization into continuous product development

Improving Efficiency with Lokalise AI

Enhancing localization workflows using Lokalise brings a new level of proficiency to managing multilingual content. Here’s how Lokalise AI reshapes these workflows:

  • Automated Task Chains: Lokalise AI allows you to automate sequences of tasks, which can dramatically improve workflow efficiency. Once a task is completed, the next one in the chain automatically begins, ensuring a smooth transition and reducing the wait times typically associated with manual handoffs.
  • Version Control and Branching: Keeping track of multiple versions of content can be cumbersome. Lokalise AI provides robust version control capabilities, allowing teams to work on different versions of content simultaneously. This is particularly useful in environments where ongoing updates are common, such as software development.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: Centralize your localization efforts in one accessible online platform where all stakeholders can work together in real time. Lokalise AI’s collaboration tools allow translators, managers, and developers to communicate and make updates simultaneously without overwriting each other’s work.
  • Integrated Quality Checks: With built-in quality assurance tools, Lokalise AI ensures that translations meet predefined standards before they go live. These tools automatically flag issues such as inconsistencies, missing translations, and potential errors, allowing for immediate correction.
  • Customizable Workflows: Lokalise AI provides the flexibility to create custom workflows tailored to specific project needs. Whether it’s setting up specific rules for content approval or defining unique steps in the translation process, Lokalise AI adapts to fit your operational model.
  • Advanced Reporting and Analytics: Track and analyze every aspect of your localization process with Lokalise AI’s comprehensive reporting tools. Gain insights into workflow efficiency, project status, and team productivity, which can help in making informed decisions to further optimize processes.

🔥Pro Tip: Utilize Lokalise AI’s ability to integrate with project management tools like Jira and Trello to keep your localization projects aligned with your overall project timelines and deliverables.

🚀Take Action: Optimize your localization strategy by incorporating Lokalise AI into your workflow today. Experience firsthand how its advanced features can save time, reduce costs, and improve the quality of your global content.

Lokalise AI for Different Industries

Lokalise AI stands out as a dynamic tool capable of adapting to various industry-specific needs, from mobile applications to complex software environments. This blog explores the platform’s versatility across different sectors through detailed case studies of MobileApp, WebApp, and Software industries, highlighting its crucial role in global business expansion.

Case Studies: MobileApp, WebApp, and Software

Lokalise AI applications across industries demonstrate its robust capabilities in handling diverse localization demands. Here’s how Lokalise AI has driven success in three different sectors:

1. Mobile Applications: The Case of Elli

Elli, a brand under the Volkswagen Group, leverages Lokalise AI to offer its mobile app in 23 languages, significantly reducing localization times from months to just weeks. Integrating with tools like API, Figma, Azure Repos, and Slack, Elli has streamlined its release cycles. This integration ensures that all stakeholders, from designers to translators, collaborate effectively, enhancing the app’s user experience across different regions. Their ability to push updates rapidly through Lokalise’s over-the-air SDK highlights the practical benefits of real-time localization in maintaining a competitive edge in the electromobility industry.

2. Web Applications: How Indeavor Transformed Its Process

Indeavor, specializing in workforce management software, transformed its localization workflow with Lokalise, integrating directly with GitLab to automate translations. This has allowed them to add new languages efficiently without the delays previously caused by manual processes. The automation features within Lokalise have cut down localization-related tasks for developers by 80-90%, proving essential in managing complex employee scheduling software across various industries.

3. Software Industry: Revolut’s Expansion

Revolut, a leading fintech company, attributes its rapid customer base growth to the agile localization capabilities provided by Lokalise. With Lokalise, Revolut has created automated workflows that minimize human intervention and maximize direct collaboration with translators. This setup supports their aggressive expansion strategy, enabling them to roll out new languages swiftly and increase their market reach.

🔥Pro Tip: When choosing a localization tool like Lokalise AI, consider how well it integrates with your existing tech stack. Seamless integration can significantly reduce the friction in deploying multilingual content, making your products accessible to a global audience more quickly.

👇Have you used Lokalise AI in your industry? What were your key takeaways? Share your experiences and tips in the comments to help others benefit from your insights.

Quality Assurance with Lokalise AI

As businesses expand into new markets, the accuracy of their translations becomes paramount. Poorly translated content can harm a brand’s reputation and alienate potential customers. Lokalise AI addresses these challenges head-on by providing robust tools for maintaining high translation quality. This segment explores how Lokalise AI ensures that translations are not only accurate but also resonate with local audiences.

Lokalise AI: Automated translation memory
Save time and ensure consistency using professional-grade translation memory with fuzzy matching and concordance search.

Ensuring Translation Accuracy

Maintaining translation quality with Lokalise AI involves a comprehensive suite of features designed to uphold high standards throughout the localization process. Here’s a breakdown of how Lokalise AI achieves this:

  • Automated Quality Checks: Lokalise AI utilizes advanced algorithms to perform automatic quality assessments on translations. These checks flag common issues such as typos, grammatical errors, inconsistent terminology, and formatting problems. By automating these processes, Lokalise AI helps ensure that errors are caught and corrected early, significantly improving the accuracy of the final content.
  • Translation Memory Systems: One of the most powerful features of Lokalise AI is its translation memory system. This tool saves segments of text that have been translated previously, facilitating consistency and accuracy across projects. When similar phrases or sentences need to be translated again, the system suggests previous translations, ensuring consistency and reducing the workload on translators.
  • Real-Time Collaboration Tools: Lokalise AI’s platform supports real-time collaboration among translators, editors, and project managers. This feature allows team members to discuss and resolve ambiguities instantly, ensuring that translations are accurate and contextually appropriate. The ability to communicate directly within the platform minimizes misunderstandings and enhances the overall quality of translations.
  • Contextual Insights: Understanding the context in which words or phrases appear is crucial for accurate translation. Lokalise AI provides translators with contextual information, such as screenshots and in-line comments, which help clarify how terms are used within the application or document. This depth of insight is vital for maintaining the integrity of translated content.
  • Customizable Quality Standards: Every business has unique needs and standards for translation quality. Lokalise AI allows companies to set their own quality benchmarks and tailor the quality assurance checks to meet specific requirements. Whether it’s adhering to legal terminology in contracts or using brand-specific language in marketing materials, Lokalise AI can accommodate these needs.

🔥Pro Tip: Regularly update and curate your translation memory and glossary. This not only aids in maintaining consistency across multiple projects but also reduces translation costs by reusing existing, approved translations.

🚀Take Action: Leverage the power of Lokalise AI to enhance your translation processes. With its comprehensive quality assurance tools, you can rest assured that your translations will always meet the highest standards of accuracy and relevance. Start refining your localization strategy with Lokalise AI today!

Scaling Globally with Lokalise AI

Lokalise AI provides a powerful solution that simplifies and accelerates global scaling efforts. By optimizing the localization process, it ensures that businesses can launch in new markets faster and more efficiently than ever before. This discussion will delve into how Lokalise AI facilitates global expansion with precision and ease.

Going Global Faster and More Efficiently

Scaling business globally with Lokalise AI harnesses advanced technology to streamline the translation and localization processes, thereby accelerating market entry times. Here’s an in-depth look at how this is achieved:

  • Rapid Deployment Capabilities: Lokalise AI reduces the time it takes to get your products and services to global markets. By automating and integrating translation processes directly into your development pipelines, Lokalise AI enables continuous localization. This means updates and new features can be localized in real-time, keeping pace with development cycles and reducing delays in product launches.
  • Enhanced Collaboration Tools: A key feature of Lokalise AI is its robust collaboration environment, which allows teams spread across different geographies to work together seamlessly. The platform facilitates clear communication and coordination among developers, translators, and project managers, ensuring that everyone is aligned and can contribute effectively from anywhere in the world.
  • Customizable Workflows: Lokalise AI understands that every business has unique needs based on its target markets and industry demands. The platform offers customizable workflows that can be tailored to suit specific localization requirements, enabling businesses to handle multiple projects simultaneously while maintaining high-quality outputs.
  • Advanced Integration Options: With Lokalise AI, integrating localization into your existing tech stack is straightforward. The platform supports numerous integrations with other tools and systems, such as content management systems, design software, and development environments. This integration capacity ensures that localization becomes a seamlessly integrated aspect of the overall business process, not a standalone task.
  • Scalable Language Options: As businesses grow, they often need to add new languages to their localization projects. Lokalise AI supports an extensive range of languages and dialects, making it easier to scale up operations as new markets are targeted. This scalability ensures that businesses can expand their reach without being limited by language barriers.

🔥Pro Tip: To effectively manage multiple localization projects, utilize Lokalise AI’s project management features. These tools help track progress, assign tasks, and set deadlines, keeping your global expansion efforts on schedule.

👇What strategies have you used to scale your business globally? How has localization played a role in your expansion efforts? Join the discussion in the comments below and share your insights!

Comparing Pricing Plans of Lokalise AI

Choosing the right pricing plan is crucial as you scale your business across various global markets. Lokalise AI offers a range of pricing plans tailored to fit different business sizes and needs, ensuring you get the most value for your investment. Below, we break down the key features and cost-effectiveness of each Lokalise AI pricing plan, helping you determine which plan best supports your business goals.

Cost-Effectiveness for Various Business Sizes

Feature Start Plan (Small Teams) Essential Plan (SMBs) Pro Plan (Advanced) Enterprise Plan (Large Businesses)
Monthly Cost (Annual Billing) $120 $230 $825 Contact Sales
Seats Included 10 10 15 Custom
Additional Seats Cost $12/mo $23/mo $55/mo Custom
Projects Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Hosted Keys 5,000 10,000 Custom Custom
API and CLI Tool
GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket Integrations
Mobile SDK
Translation Memory
In-context Editors
Advanced Integrations (e.g., Adobe XD, Figma)
SAML-based SSO
Audit Logs
Dedicated Manager

🔥Pro Tip: Always consider the long-term needs of your localization projects when choosing a plan. Opting for a slightly higher tier than currently necessary can save you significant hassle and potential upgrade costs as your business grows.

🚀Take Action: Evaluate your current and future localization needs and choose a Lokalise AI plan that best fits your business size and growth trajectory. Start with a free trial to explore the features firsthand and make an informed decision about which plan will effectively support your global expansion efforts.

Conclusion: Why Choose Lokalise AI?

Lokalise AI offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to streamline the translation process, enhance collaboration, and ensure high-quality outputs across all languages. Here, we highlight the unique advantages of Lokalise AI, emphasizing why choosing this platform is a strategic decision for businesses aiming to expand their reach globally.

Summarizing the Competitive Edge of Lokalise AI

Lokalise AI differentiates itself in several key areas, making it an invaluable asset for any business looking to scale internationally:

  • Advanced Automation Capabilities: Lokalise AI automates numerous aspects of the localization process, from translation memory utilization to real-time updates across platforms. This reduces manual effort and minimizes the scope for errors, leading to faster turnaround times and consistent quality.
  • Seamless Integration: The ability to integrate smoothly with existing workflows and popular development tools (like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket) makes Lokalise AI a versatile choice for software development teams. These integrations facilitate a more synchronized workflow, allowing localization to occur alongside product development without delays.
  • Scalability: Whether you’re a small startup or a large multinational, Lokalise AI’s scalable solutions can adapt to your needs. The platform supports a wide range of languages and dialects, with flexible plans that grow with your business.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Lokalise AI promotes effective collaboration across geographically dispersed teams. Features like in-context editing and real-time communication tools ensure that everyone—from developers to translators—can work together efficiently, regardless of their location.
  • Quality Control: With built-in quality assurance tools, Lokalise AI ensures that your translations meet the highest standards. Automated checks and balances, along with advanced translation memories, help maintain accuracy and consistency across all projects.
  • Comprehensive Support and Security: Lokalise AI not only offers robust customer support but also adheres to top-tier security protocols, including ISO certifications and GDPR compliance. This commitment to security and support reassures businesses of the safety and reliability of their data.

🔥Pro Tip: To fully leverage Lokalise AI’s capabilities, take advantage of its extensive documentation and support resources. These can help you customize the platform to suit your specific needs and get the most out of its advanced features.

👇Have you experienced the benefits of using Lokalise AI in your localization projects? What features have been most beneficial for your business? Share your story and insights in the comments below to help others understand the value Lokalise AI can bring to their operations.

SOURCES: Lokalise AI
VIA: Pwraitools
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Je suis Mendy, Directeur e-commerce et expert en intelligence artificielle. Avec plus de 15 ans d'expérience dans le domaine, je suis passionné par l'innovation et les nouvelles technologies. Mon objectif est d'accompagner les entreprises dans leur transformation digitale et de les aider à tirer le meilleur parti de l'IA pour optimiser leurs performances en ligne. Bienvenue sur mon blog !
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