Predicting Sales with AI Using DataRobot: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ever wondered how to predict next month’s sales more accurately? With DataRobot, you don’t need to be a data scientist! This easy-to-follow guide will help you master AI-driven sales forecasting in no time. Ready to get started?

Mendy Berrebi
By Mendy Berrebi
11 Min Read

Imagine this: you’re in a meeting, and someone asks, “How can we predict next month’s sales more accurately?” You nod, confident because you know the answer—DataRobot. Whether you’ve used AI tools before or are just diving into machine learning, this guide will help you build sales predictions that actually work. And don’t worry, you don’t need to be a data scientist to follow along. Let’s break it down step by step and get those predictions flowing!

Ready to dive in? Let’s get started. 👇

Prerequisites: What You’ll Need

Before we jump into DataRobot, let’s make sure you’re set up for success. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • DataRobot account: If you don’t have one yet, go ahead and sign up for a trial at
  • Sales data: Historical sales data, preferably in CSV or Excel format.
  • Basic skills: A good handle on time series data and basic machine learning concepts will come in handy.
  • A curious mind: You’ll be exploring some powerful AI features. Get excited!

Introduction to DataRobot: What Makes It Awesome

In case you’re new here, let me introduce you to DataRobot. It’s a machine learning platform that takes care of a lot of the heavy lifting for you. Instead of coding models from scratch, you can use DataRobot to automate the process of building, deploying, and maintaining your models.

Why is this a game-changer for sales predictions? Here’s why:

  • Automated Time Series Modeling: No need to manually figure out the best model for predicting future sales. DataRobot does that for you!
  • Feature Engineering: It automatically creates useful features from your data (think seasonal patterns, trends, etc.).
  • Deployment Made Easy: You can deploy your model and start making predictions right away.

Step 1: Data Preparation – The Backbone of Sales Predictions

Before we get to the fun stuff—like building the actual model—we need to get our data in shape. Trust me, this step will save you headaches later on.

What Data Do You Need?

You’ll want to start with your historical sales data. This should include at least two key pieces of information:

  • Date/Time: When did the sales happen?
  • Sales Figures: How much was sold, or how much revenue did you generate?

If you have extra data, like promotions, weather conditions, or other events that could impact sales, add that in. The more context, the better!

Clean Up Your Data

Here’s the deal: messy data equals messy predictions. So before you upload anything into DataRobot, clean it up. Here’s what to check:

  • Missing values: Fill in any gaps. You can either remove those rows or use techniques like mean imputation to fill them.
  • Outliers: If something looks way off (like a one-time mega sale), make sure it doesn’t skew your predictions.
  • Consistent format: Make sure your date column is consistent and your sales data is in the correct format (e.g., no currency symbols in numeric columns).

Got it all cleaned up? Great! Now, let’s move on.

Step 2: Creating a New Project in DataRobot

Now it’s time to jump into DataRobot and create a new project. Don’t worry—this is the fun part!

How to Start a Project

  • Log in to your DataRobot account.
  • On the dashboard, you’ll see a big button that says “New Project.” Click that.
  • Upload your data: Just drag and drop your sales data file (CSV, Excel, or whatever format you have). It’s as simple as it sounds.
  • Name your project: Let’s call it something like “Sales Forecasting Project.” Easy, right?

After you’ve uploaded the data, DataRobot will do a quick analysis and show you some stats—how many rows, columns, and types of data you’ve got.

Step 3: Setting Up Time Series for Sales Predictions

Time to tell DataRobot exactly what kind of prediction you’re trying to make: a time series forecast. It’s not as complicated as it sounds!

Step 1: Choose the Target Variable

In this case, the target is your sales figure—this is what you want to predict.

  • Go to the Target section and select the column that represents your sales data. Simple!

Step 2: Enable Time Series Modeling

  • Click on Advanced Options and head to the Time Series tab.
  • Turn on Time Series Modeling—this tells DataRobot that you’re predicting over time.

Step 3: Set the Date/Time Column

  • Now, select the column that contains your date/time information.

Step 4: Configure Your Forecast Window

Think of this as telling DataRobot how far ahead you want to predict. Want to forecast the next 3 months? 6 months? Define your forecast window here.

Step 4: Explore Your Data Like a Pro

Now that your data’s in and you’ve set up your project, it’s time to take a closer look at it. Let’s see what insights we can pull before we even start modeling.

Visualize Trends and Patterns

In the Data tab, you’ll find built-in tools to visualize your data. Take a moment to look at sales trends over time. You’ll probably notice some patterns—maybe sales spike during certain months or drop during holidays.

Check DataRobot’s Feature Engineering

DataRobot automatically generates new features from your time-based data. Head to the Feature Lists section to see what it’s come up with. This is where the magic happens!

Step 5: Training Your Model

Here’s where we get to the good stuff—training your AI model to predict sales. Don’t worry, DataRobot handles most of the hard work.

Step 1: Let DataRobot Do Its Thing

Once you start the training process, DataRobot will automatically test different machine learning algorithms and build multiple models for you. Pretty cool, right?

  • You can choose Autopilot mode if you want DataRobot to do everything for you.
  • Or, you can choose Quick Mode if you’re in a rush.

Step 2: Watch the Models Build

DataRobot will now build a leaderboard of models, ranked by their performance. Sit back, grab a coffee, and let it crunch the numbers.

Step 6: Evaluating and Choosing the Best Model

Now that you’ve got a bunch of models, how do you pick the best one?

Compare the Models

DataRobot ranks models based on performance metrics like RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) and MAE (Mean Absolute Error). The lower the error, the better the model. Check out the Leaderboard tab to compare.

Dig Into the Details

Click on any model to see its Residuals, Prediction Errors, and other key metrics. This helps you understand how the model is performing.

Pick Your Favorite

Once you’ve found the model that looks best (and isn’t overfitting), select it as your Champion Model. You’re almost there!

Step 7: Deploying Your Model (Time to Put It to Work)

Now that you’ve trained your model and selected the best one, it’s time to deploy it. This is where things get real—you can start making predictions that’ll help drive business decisions.

Step 1: Deploy the Model

  • Click Deploy next to your chosen model.
  • Give it a name (e.g., “Sales Forecast Model”) and follow the prompts.

Step 2: Test Your Deployment

You’ll want to run a few test predictions to make sure everything’s working smoothly. Upload a small batch of new data and see what comes out.

Step 8: Making Predictions

Upload New Data

  • Go to the Predictions tab of your deployment and upload your new data (e.g., the next month’s data you want to forecast).

Generate Sales Forecasts

Hit Predict, and boom! You’ve got your sales forecast. Take a look at the predicted values and compare them to your actuals to see how close your model is.

Step 9: Monitoring and Retraining the Model

Once your model is out in the wild, it’s important to keep an eye on it. Things change, and so might the accuracy of your predictions.

Step 1: Set Up Monitoring

DataRobot lets you track the performance of your model over time. If things start to drift, you’ll get an alert. How cool is that?

Step 2: Retrain When Necessary

If your model’s performance drops (say, if market conditions change), you can retrain it with new data. DataRobot makes this super simple, and you don’t have to start from scratch.

Best Practices and Pro Tips

  • Keep your data clean: Always ensure your data is as accurate as possible. Garbage in, garbage out!
  • Retrain regularly: Sales patterns can change over time. Keep your model fresh by retraining it periodically.
  • Use DataRobot’s feature engineering: It does a lot of the hard work for you, so leverage it to boost your model’s performance.


And there you have it! With DataRobot, predicting sales becomes a lot easier. You’ve gone from preparing your data all the way to making predictions and monitoring your model. Now, you can make smarter business decisions backed by AI.

Got questions? Dive into DataRobot’s documentation for more advanced tips, or drop a comment below to share your experience!

Happy forecasting! 🌟

SOURCES: DataRobot
VIA: Pwraitools
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Hi, I’m Mendy BERREBI, a seasoned e-commerce director and AI expert with over 15 years of experience. My passion lies in driving innovation and harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to transform the way businesses operate. I specialize in helping e-commerce companies seamlessly integrate AI into their processes, unlocking new levels of efficiency and performance. Join me on this blog as we explore the future of digital transformation and how AI can elevate your business to new heights. Welcome aboard!
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