tl;dv: The AI-Powered Meeting Recorder for Zoom and Google Meet You Need to Know About

In a world where virtual meetings have become the backbone of business communication, tl;dv emerges as a game-changer. This AI-powered meeting recorder is not your average tool; it's a robust solution designed to make your Zoom and Google Meet sessions more productive than ever.

Mendy Berrebi
By Mendy Berrebi
6 Min Read

The Dawn of Intelligent Meeting Management

Brief Overview of tl;dv

tl;dv is an AI-driven meeting tool that goes beyond mere recording. It leverages GPT-powered algorithms to transcribe, summarize, and even offer insights into your meetings. With over 900k users, tl;dv is rapidly becoming the go-to solution for businesses looking to optimize their virtual interactions.

The Problem with Traditional Meeting Setups

Traditional meeting setups often involve manual note-taking, multiple apps for recording and transcribing, and a lot of time spent on post-meeting documentation. These processes are not only cumbersome but also prone to human error.

The Need for an AI Meeting Assistant

Enter tl;dv, the AI assistant that takes care of all these tasks seamlessly. From automatic recording to transcribing meetings in over 30 languages, tl;dv is designed to let you focus on what matters most—the conversation.

🕵 Intrigued by how tl;dv can revolutionize your meeting experience? Stay tuned as we delve deeper into its features, use-cases, and how it stands out from competitors like

tl;dv vs. – The Battle of AI-Powered Meeting Recorders

Comparative Analysis

When it comes to AI-powered meeting recorders, two names often dominate the conversation: tl;dv and Both platforms offer robust features, but what sets tl;dv apart is its GPT-powered technology that not only transcribes but also summarizes meetings, saving you hours of manual work.

tl;dv’s Unique Features:

  • Smart Summaries: Unlike, which primarily focuses on transcription, tl;dv offers smart summaries. It uses GPT-powered algorithms to condense long meetings into digestible summaries, highlighting key points and action items.
  • Video Highlights: tl;dv allows you to create video snippets of important moments. This feature is particularly useful for sharing insights without requiring team members to watch the entire meeting.
  • Multi-platform Integration: While is well-integrated with Zoom, tl;dv takes it a step further by offering compatibility with both Zoom and Google Meet. This makes it a more versatile tool for organizations using multiple video conferencing platforms.
  • User-Friendly Dashboard: tl;dv provides a more intuitive user interface, making it easier to navigate through transcripts and summaries. The dashboard also offers analytics to measure meeting effectiveness.
  • Customizable Tags: tl;dv enables users to add custom tags to specific sections of the meeting. This is especially useful for quick referencing during follow-up meetings or when searching through archived content.
Powered by GPT: We take your meeting notes. You run the show.

tl;dv is not merely a transcription service; it’s a productivity powerhouse that leverages GPT-powered algorithms to make your meetings more efficient and actionable.

👇 Have you ever used an AI-powered meeting recorder? What was your experience like? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

The GPT Engine Behind tl;dv

How GPT Powers tl;dv

The GPT engine serves as the cornerstone of tl;dv’s capabilities. It’s the neural network that sifts through hours of meeting recordings to deliver concise summaries and transcriptions. Unlike rudimentary speech-to-text algorithms, GPT understands context, allowing it to distinguish between key points and filler conversation. This is achieved through its 175 billion machine learning parameters, which have been trained on a diverse dataset encompassing everything from books to websites.

What sets it apart? GPT’s ability to understand natural language at a near-human level. This means it can pick up on nuances like sarcasm, emphasis, and even cultural references, which are often lost in traditional transcription services.

The Benefits of Using GPT for Meeting Transcriptions

  • Precision: GPT’s advanced algorithms ensure that your transcriptions are not only accurate but also meaningful. It filters out the noise and focuses on the substance.
  • Efficiency: Time is money, especially in the corporate world. GPT’s rapid processing capabilities mean you get your transcriptions and summaries almost instantaneously.
  • Scalability: Whether it’s a one-on-one meeting or a multinational conference, GPT can handle it. Its architecture is designed for both small-scale and large-scale applications.
  • Customization: GPT allows for a high degree of customization. You can set specific keywords or phrases that the AI should focus on, ensuring that the final output aligns with your objectives.
  • Data Security: One of the less-talked-about benefits is GPT’s commitment to data privacy. Your recordings are processed in a secure environment, adhering to the highest standards of data protection.
  • SEO-Friendly Content: Given its understanding of natural language, GPT can generate transcriptions that are not only accurate but also SEO-friendly. This is particularly beneficial for businesses looking to leverage their meeting content for online visibility.

GPT isn’t merely a transcription tool; it’s a game-changer in how we capture and utilize meeting content.

Features Deep Dive

Note-taking Capabilities

tl;dv elevates the traditional note-taking experience by leveraging GPT-powered AI to automatically generate concise and accurate meeting summaries. Forget about scrambling to jot down key points or action items during a meeting. With tl;dv, you can focus on the discussion while the AI takes care of the rest. The tool even categorizes notes into different sections like ‘Decisions,’ ‘Action Items,’ and ‘Highlights,’ making it easier for you to review and share them post-meeting.

Focus on the conversation. AI will take your notes

Meeting Recorder

The Meeting Recorder feature is a game-changer for anyone who’s ever had to revisit a meeting for clarity. Unlike standard video recording tools, tl;dv’s recorder captures both video and audio, then employs AI algorithms to transcribe and highlight key moments. This means you can search through your recorded meetings using keywords, making it incredibly easy to find specific discussions or decisions.

Multi-language Support

In today’s globalized world, multi-language support isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. tl;dv understands this and offers transcription services in multiple languages. Whether your team is spread across different time zones or speaks different languages, everyone can get the gist of the meeting in their preferred language.

Based on my research from tl;dv’s official website and other sources, these features are not just bells and whistles but essential tools designed to make your meetings more productive and inclusive. The platform also offers specialized solutions for UX research and onboarding & training, among others, making it a versatile tool for various corporate needs.

🔥Pro Tip: Always test out the features of any AI tool you’re considering. Most offer free trials, so take advantage of this to ensure the tool meets your specific needs.

🚀 Engage with Us: How do you currently manage your meeting notes and recordings? Do you think an AI-powered tool like tl;dv could make your life easier? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Roles and Applications of tl;dv in Various Domains

In this section, we’ll delve into the multifaceted roles and applications of tl;dv, an AI-powered meeting recorder that’s revolutionizing the way we conduct and analyze meetings. From UX research to customer success, tl;dv is the Swiss Army knife of meeting tools. Let’s explore how.

UX / User Research

Meeting notes: ChatGPT notes for your UX Research calls

Automated Transcriptions for User Interviews: Conducting user interviews? tl;dv provides real-time transcriptions, allowing you to focus on the conversation rather than jotting down notes. This is invaluable for UX researchers who need to capture every nuance of user feedback.

Sentiment Analysis: The tool goes beyond mere transcriptions. It employs sentiment analysis to gauge the mood of the conversation, offering insights that can be pivotal for user experience design.

Repository Creation: tl;dv allows you to create a user interview repository. This is a game-changer for UX teams that need to revisit interviews for nuanced insights.

Hiring & Recruiting

Digital Interview Tool: In the realm of hiring and recruiting, tl;dv acts as a digital interview tool. It not only records the interview but also offers transcriptions in over 20 languages, making it easier for global teams to collaborate.

AI-Powered Screening: Imagine having an AI assistant that can highlight key moments in an interview. tl;dv does just that, making it easier to review and assess candidate responses.

Product Development

Meeting Summaries for Stakeholders: Product development involves numerous meetings with various stakeholders. tl;dv provides concise summaries, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Idea Highlighting: During brainstorming sessions, the tool can automatically highlight key ideas and suggestions, streamlining the product development process.


Follow-up on sales calls effectively

Call Recording & Analysis: Sales teams can benefit immensely from tl;dv’s call recording features. The tool not only records but also analyzes sales calls, offering actionable insights for future pitches.

Client Sentiment Tracking: Understanding client sentiment during a sales call can be the difference between a closed deal and a lost opportunity. tl;dv’s sentiment analysis comes into play here.

Customer Success

Voice of the Customer: Amplifying the voice of the customer is crucial for any business. tl;dv captures customer feedback during support calls and categorizes them for easy reference.

Training & Onboarding: The tool is also useful for scaling onboarding and training processes, thanks to its recording and transcription capabilities.

🚀Intrigued by how tl;dv can revolutionize your business operations? Try it for free and experience the future of meetings.

tl;dv is the Swiss Army knife of meeting tools, offering applications that extend from UX research to customer success

Use Cases and Functionality

Record Online Meetings for Free

Gone are the days of paid subscriptions for recording online meetings. With tl;dv, you can record your Zoom and Google Meet sessions for free. The tool captures both video and audio in high quality, making it a go-to solution for businesses and individuals alike.

Have AI-Assisted Meetings

Imagine a meeting where note-taking is automated, and key points are summarized in real-time. That’s what tl;dv brings to the table. Leveraging advanced AI technology, the tool improves note-taking and summarization, allowing you to focus on the discussion at hand.

Reducing Time in Meetings

Efficiency is key in today’s fast-paced world. tl;dv helps you cut down meeting durations by summarizing key moments and topics, allowing for quicker decision-making and less time spent in meetings.

Share Meeting Insights Faster

With tl;dv, sharing crucial meeting insights is a breeze. The tool allows you to send notifications to your colleagues with timestamps, making it easier to disseminate information across the organization.

👇 What are your thoughts on AI-powered meeting tools like tl;dv? Share your experiences in the comments below!

Automating Meeting Workflows with tl;dv

How to Set Up Automated Workflows

Setting up automated workflows in tl;dv is a straightforward process that can be accomplished in a few simple steps. First, navigate to the tl;dv dashboard and select the “Automations” tab. From there, you can create custom triggers and actions that will automate various aspects of your meeting recordings. For example, you can set up a trigger to automatically transcribe a meeting once it ends, saving you valuable time.

Focus Automate workflows from meetings

Steps to Follow:

  1. Login to tl;dv: Access your tl;dv account and go to the dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Automations: Locate the “Automations” tab on the sidebar.
  3. Create a New Automation: Click on “New Automation” and name it.
  4. Set Triggers: Choose what will initiate the automation, such as “Meeting Ends.”
  5. Define Actions: Specify what actions will follow the trigger, like “Auto-Transcribe.”
  6. Save and Test: Save your settings and run a test meeting to ensure everything works as expected.

The Impact on Team Productivity

Automating meeting workflows with tl;dv can significantly enhance team productivity. By automating tasks like transcription and summarization, team members can focus on more critical aspects of their roles. This not only saves time but also ensures that no essential details are missed. Automated summaries can be shared instantly with stakeholders, allowing for quick decision-making and eliminating the need for follow-up meetings to discuss what was already covered.

🌟Key Benefits:

  • Time-Saving: Automated transcriptions mean no more manual note-taking.
  • Accuracy: AI-powered summaries ensure that key points are not missed.
  • Quick Sharing: Instantly share meeting insights with team members and stakeholders.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Real-time annotations and highlights can be added to the meeting record, fostering better team collaboration.

By incorporating tl;dv into your meeting routines, you’re not merely recording meetings; you’re creating a valuable resource that can be leveraged for better team performance and decision-making.

Gaining Insights from Meetings

How tl;dv Can Provide Actionable Insights

In a world where data is the new currency, the ability to extract actionable insights from your meetings is a game-changer. Enter tl;dv, the AI-Powered Meeting Recorder that does more than just record and transcribe your Zoom and Google Meet sessions. It’s like having a data scientist in your meeting room, sifting through conversations and pinpointing key takeaways.

The Science Behind the Insights

tl;dv employs advanced GPT-powered algorithms to analyze the context and content of your meetings. It identifies patterns, trends, and even the sentiment behind the words. This is not merely about transcribing words but about understanding the essence of conversations.

Real-Time Analytics

As the meeting progresses, tl;dv provides real-time analytics. Whether it’s identifying the most talked-about topics or flagging potential action items, you get immediate insights that can be acted upon even before the meeting ends.

Post-Meeting Reports

Once the meeting is over, tl;dv generates a comprehensive report that includes not only the transcription but also a summary of key points, action items, and even participant engagement levels. This is invaluable for team members who couldn’t attend the meeting or for future reference.

Customizable Dashboards

What sets tl;dv apart is its customizable dashboards. You can set KPIs and metrics that are most relevant to your team or project. This way, each meeting becomes a focused data-driven session, aligned with your organizational goals.

Speaker Recognition

One of the standout features is speaker recognition. Knowing who said what adds a layer of accountability and clarity to the meeting insights. This is particularly useful in large teams or cross-functional meetings.

Data Security

Rest assured, all the data is encrypted and secure. tl;dv adheres to stringent data privacy norms, ensuring that your meeting insights are for your eyes only.

By leveraging tl;dv’s capabilities, you’re not just making your meetings more efficient; you’re turning them into strategic assets. So, the next time you schedule a meeting, make sure tl;dv is on the invite list.

👇 Intrigued by the potential of AI-powered meeting insights? Share your thoughts in the comments below or try tl;dv for your next meeting.

Pricing and Packages

When it comes to adopting a new tool, especially one as robust as tl;dv, the cost is often a significant factor. Let’s break down the pricing structure and evaluate the return on investment (ROI) to help you make an informed decision.

Feature and Price Comparison Table

Features Free Version (Free forever) Pro Version ($20/user/month)
Meeting Recording
Transcribe & Summarize
Multi-Language Support
AI Summarize Meeting Moments
Automatic Speaker Recognition
Slack & Email Integrations
Viewing Alerts
AI-Assisted Meeting Notes & Tags
AI-Assisted Meeting Notes & Tags
Unlimited Integrations
Upload Audio & Video Recordings
Embed Recordings & Clips
Download Recordings & Transcripts
Combine Clips into Reels
Global Meeting Search & AI Summary
Team Folders

Note: The above table is for illustrative purposes and may not reflect the actual features offered. Always check the official website for the most up-to-date information.

ROI Analysis: Is It Worth the Investment?

Investing in the paid version of tl;dv can significantly impact your team’s productivity and decision-making process. Here’s how:

  1. Time-Saving: Automated transcriptions and meeting summaries allow team members to focus on tasks that truly matter.
  2. Data-Driven Decisions: The AI-powered insights can guide your strategies, thus potentially increasing revenue.
  3. Enhanced Collaboration: The paid version’s cross-functional sharing capabilities ensure that everyone is on the same page, reducing misunderstandings and errors.

🔥Pro Tip: To truly understand the ROI, consider running a pilot test with a small team before fully integrating tl;dv into your workflow.

By understanding the pricing and ROI, you can make a well-informed decision that aligns with your organizational goals.

👇What are your thoughts on the ROI of tl;dv? Would you consider investing in the paid version? Let us know in the comments below.

The Final Word on tl;dv—Revolutionizing Meetings in the Modern Workspace

Summary of Key Points

We’ve delved deep into the world of tl;dv, an AI-Powered Meeting Recorder that’s redefining how we approach Zoom and Google Meet sessions. From its robust features like AI-assisted meetings to its impact on team productivity, tl;dv is a game-changer.

Why tl;dv is Essential for Modern Businesses

In an era where time is money, tl;dv offers a unique blend of efficiency and insight. It’s not merely a recording tool; it’s a productivity powerhouse. With its AI-driven capabilities, it provides actionable insights that can guide decision-making processes, ensuring that every meeting is a step towards achieving your business goals.

So, what are your thoughts on AI meeting assistants? Are you ready to revolutionize your meeting experiences? Share your insights in the comments below.

🚀Ready to take your meetings to the next level? Try tl;dv today!

👇Your thoughts and engagement are invaluable to us. If you found this article insightful, don’t forget to share it with your network. Let’s make meetings more efficient, together.

Additional Resources

tl;dv Reviews 2023: Details, Pricing, & Features | G2

tl;dv Reviews – Pros & Cons 2023 | Product Hunt

Tl;dv AI Review, Features, Price, Use Cases & FAQs

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Je suis Mendy, Directeur e-commerce et expert en intelligence artificielle. Avec plus de 15 ans d'expérience dans le domaine, je suis passionné par l'innovation et les nouvelles technologies. Mon objectif est d'accompagner les entreprises dans leur transformation digitale et de les aider à tirer le meilleur parti de l'IA pour optimiser leurs performances en ligne. Bienvenue sur mon blog !
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