The Only CX Platform You’ll Ever Need for Product Analytics, Error Tracking, and Session Replay

Discover how is revolutionizing the customer experience landscape with its all-in-one platform. From product analytics to error tracking, API performance, and session replay, learn why is the only CX platform you'll ever need.

Mendy Berrebi
By Mendy Berrebi
36 Min Read


The Ever-Evolving Landscape of Customer Experience (CX)

In a world where customer expectations are sky-high, businesses can no longer afford to offer just “good enough” experiences. The stakes have risen, and so has the complexity of managing various customer touchpoints. From website interactions to mobile app usage, every moment counts in shaping the overall customer experience.

The All-In-One Solution: Why It’s No Longer Optional

Gone are the days when you could manage customer experience with fragmented tools that only offer a piece of the puzzle. The modern business environment demands a unified platform that can handle everything from product analytics to error tracking. This is where comes into play.

Meet The Swiss Army Knife of CX Platforms is a groundbreaking AI tool that serves as a one-stop-shop for all your CX needs. It offers a plethora of features designed to give you a 360-degree view of your customer interactions. Whether it’s session replays to understand user behavior or advanced dev tools for your tech team, has got you covered.

Zipy is a debugging and prioritisation platform which provides user session replay, frontend and network monitoring in one. is not your average CX platform; it’s a game-changer in how businesses understand and improve customer interactions.

👇How do you currently manage your customer experience? Are you using multiple tools or considering an all-in-one platform like Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Now that we’ve set the stage, 🕵stay tuned for the next sections where we’ll dive deep into each feature that makes the ultimate CX platform.

The Power of

Comprehensive Toolset: More Than a Swiss Army Knife for Your Business

Imagine a tool that consolidates all your customer experience needs into one platform. That’s for you. From Session Replay to Error Tracking, it’s a one-stop-shop for all things user experience. But what sets it apart is its comprehensive toolset.

  • Error Debugging: Real-time error monitoring with detailed logs for root-cause analysis.
  • Session Replay: A virtual over-the-shoulder look at user interactions for behavioral insights.
  • Advanced Dev Tools: A dashboard so detailed, it’s like having a magnifying glass for your product’s performance metrics.
Imagine a world where you can pinpoint and fix user experience issues effortlessly, understand user behavior in-depth, and proactively resolve problems before they impact your customers. With Zipy AI, that world is within reach.

AI-Driven Analytics: The Brain Behind the Operation

Data is good, but AI-driven analytics make it actionable. uses machine learning algorithms to sift through heaps of data and provide you with insights that matter.

  • User Identification: Know who your users are, what they like, and how they interact with your platform.
  • Heatmaps: Visual representations of where users click, scroll, and how they navigate through your site.
  • Performance Monitoring: AI algorithms that continuously learn and adapt to provide real-time performance metrics.

Real-Time Monitoring: The Pulse of Your Platform

In a world where every second counts, real-time monitoring is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. excels in this by offering:

  • Real User Monitoring: Capture user interactions and page load times as they happen.
  • API Performance: Keep tabs on API calls to ensure optimal performance.
  • Slack and Email Integration: Get instant alerts and summaries directly to your chosen communication channels.

👇What features of are you most excited about? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Core Functionalities: Product Analytics

Data-Driven Insights

In the realm of customer experience, stands as a beacon of innovation. One of its most compelling features is its data-driven approach to product analytics. Forget about sifting through mountains of irrelevant data;’s intelligent algorithms curate the most pertinent information for your business needs.

Imagine having the ability to pinpoint exactly where users are dropping off in your sales funnel or which features are most engaging. With, this isn’t a pipe dream—it’s your new reality. The platform’s analytics dashboard offers a panoramic view of user behavior, from click-through rates to time spent on each page.

Zipy AI product analytics
Product Analytics: Understand user behavior, adoption, trends for any B2B or B2C business with product analytics. Solve customer problems proactively with error analytics.

🔥Pro Tip: Use’s custom event tracking to measure specific actions that are crucial to your business, like form submissions or product purchases.


Visual learners, rejoice!’s heatmaps offer a vibrant, easy-to-understand representation of user engagement. These aren’t your run-of-the-mill heatmaps; they’re powered by advanced AI algorithms that analyze user behavior in real-time.

You’ll see hotspots where users most frequently click, giving you invaluable insights into what’s catching their attention. Conversely, areas with less activity can signal potential issues, allowing you to make data-backed decisions to improve user experience.

With’s heatmaps, you’re not just seeing data; you’re experiencing user behavior in its most interactive form.

Core Functionalities: Error Tracking

Real-Time Error Monitoring takes a proactive approach to error management. Imagine you’re a developer, and you’ve just deployed a new feature. Within seconds,’s real-time error monitoring kicks in, scanning for any discrepancies or issues that could affect user experience. This is not a passive system that waits for problems to escalate; it’s an active guardian of your digital assets.

Why it’s a Game-Changer: Traditional error monitoring tools often require manual checks or only alert you after a problem has occurred multiple times.’s real-time capabilities mean you’re always one step ahead, allowing for immediate action.

Detailed Error Logs

The devil is in the details, and knows this all too well. Each error is logged with an exhaustive set of data points: from the user’s browser type and version to the specific line of code where the error occurred. It’s like having a black box recorder for your website or app.

Why it’s a Game-Changer: Many platforms give you an error message and expect you to figure out the rest.’s detailed logs are a roadmap to not only what went wrong but also how to fix it efficiently.

Zipy AI error tracking
Error Tracking: Track all JavaScript errors, API errors, console logs with detailed stacktrace and network logs in dev tools. This along with session replay gives the complete picture of problem in your app or website.’s real-time error monitoring is like having a guardian angel for your digital assets, always one step ahead in identifying and resolving issues.

👇How do you currently handle error tracking on your platforms? Could real-time monitoring make a difference for your team? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Core Functionalities: API Performance

API Call Monitoring

In a world where milliseconds can make or break customer experiences, offers a robust API call monitoring feature. This isn’t merely about checking if an API is up or down. It’s about understanding the nuances of each API call, from latency to payload size. provides a dashboard that visualizes these metrics in real-time, allowing you to make data-backed decisions instantaneously.

🔥Pro Tip: Use’s alert system to set up custom triggers. If an API call takes longer than a set threshold, you’ll be notified immediately, allowing for quick remediation.

Bottleneck Identification

Identifying bottlenecks in your API calls is akin to finding a needle in a haystack. simplifies this with its intelligent bottleneck identification feature. It analyzes patterns in your API calls to pinpoint exactly where and why slowdowns are occurring. This is crucial for optimizing the performance of your APIs and, by extension, your entire digital ecosystem. doesn’t just monitor your APIs; it provides actionable insights to optimize them.

👇How do you currently monitor your API performance? Share your experiences in the comments below!

Session Replay: A Deep Dive into User Behavior and Usability Issues

User Behavior Analysis

Imagine you’re a detective, and your mission is to uncover the secrets behind user interactions on your platform. Session Replay in is your magnifying glass, your forensic toolkit, and your intuition all rolled into one. It’s a feature that allows you to play back user sessions as if you were watching a movie. But this isn’t just entertainment; it’s a goldmine of insights.

  1. User Journey Mapping: Session Replay allows you to map out the entire user journey, from the moment they land on your website to the moment they exit. This is invaluable for understanding the paths that users take, the choices they make, and the bottlenecks they encounter.
  2. Event Tagging: You can tag specific events within a session, such as clicks, scrolls, or form submissions. This makes it easier to identify patterns and anomalies in user behavior.
  3. Real-Time Analytics: The feature offers real-time analytics, giving you the ability to act immediately on any issues or opportunities you identify.
  4. Customizable Metrics: You can set up custom metrics to track specific KPIs that are relevant to your business. This could be anything from time spent on a particular page to the number of items added to a cart.
Zipi AI session replay
Session Replay: See user interaction with your website and application in real time with DOM replay, console logs, network logs, custom logs and much more. Available for web and PWA.

Usability Issues Identification

  1. Heatmaps: These visual representations show you where users are clicking, moving, and scrolling on your site. Hot spots indicate areas of high interaction, while cold spots may suggest areas that could be improved for better engagement.
  2. Error Messages: If a user encounters an error, you’ll know about it. This feature captures error messages displayed during a session, allowing you to pinpoint exactly where users are experiencing difficulties.
  3. User Feedback Integration: You can integrate user surveys or feedback forms within the session replay. This provides qualitative data to complement the quantitative data you’re collecting.
  4. A/B Testing: Use the insights gained from session replays to set up A/B tests, comparing different versions of your site to see which performs better in real-world conditions.

🎯 Takeaway: Session Replay isn’t merely a tool; it’s a strategy for understanding your users at a granular level. It’s the closest you can get to reading your users’ minds without a crystal ball.

👇Have you ever used Session Replay in your CX strategy? Share your experiences in the comments below!

API Performance: The Backbone of Seamless User Experience

API Call Monitoring: The Pulse of Your Application

When it comes to API performance, API call monitoring is akin to a health check-up for your application. offers a robust monitoring system that scrutinizes every API call made within your application. This isn’t merely about uptime; it’s about understanding how each API call affects the overall performance and user experience.

  • Real-time Metrics: provides real-time analytics, allowing you to spot issues before they escalate.
  • Granular Data: Get down to the nitty-gritty with detailed metrics like latency, error rates, and throughput.
  • Custom Alerts: Set up alerts based on specific conditions, ensuring that you’re the first to know when something needs attention.
zipi ai api performance
Fix page slowness with API performance monitoring.
Supercharge and speed up your slow page performance by diving into the nuts and bolts of API performance and diagnostics.

Bottleneck Identification: The Art of Problem-Solving

  • Automated Analysis: The platform automatically identifies slow API calls that could be hampering your application’s performance.
  • Historical Data: Compare current performance with past data to identify patterns or anomalies.
  • Visual Tools: Utilize heatmaps and graphs for a more visual approach to understanding your API’s performance.

🎯 Takeaway: Understanding API performance is crucial for any business looking to offer a seamless user experience. provides a comprehensive set of tools that not only monitor but also help you understand the intricacies of your API calls.

“ doesn’t just monitor your API; it gives you the tools to understand and optimize it.”

👇 Your Thoughts? How important is API performance monitoring in your business? Share your experiences below!

Solutions for Different Teams

For Product Teams: Navigating the Roadmap with Precision

In the realm of product development, the roadmap isn’t merely a guide; it’s the lifeline that dictates the product’s future. Here’s where becomes an indispensable asset for Product Teams.

How Helps in Prioritizing Product Roadmap Decisions

  • Data-Driven Insights:’s robust analytics tools offer real-time data that can be pivotal in making informed decisions. Whether it’s user engagement metrics or feature usage statistics, the platform provides a comprehensive view.
  • Customer Feedback Loop: integrates seamlessly with customer feedback channels. This enables Product Teams to align their roadmap with what the customers actually want, rather than what they think they want.
  • Competitive Benchmarking: With, you can also keep an eye on how your competitors are performing. This allows you to adjust your roadmap to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Risk Assessment: The platform’s advanced algorithms can predict potential roadblocks and challenges, allowing teams to prepare or pivot accordingly.
Zipy ai for product teams
Unravel customer problems with customer journeys on Zipy.
Seamless exploration of customer journeys with Zipy’s comprehensive journey mapping and user behaviour analytics. Elevate customer experiences by staying on top of user journeys and error tracking.

Ensuring a Seamless User Experience

  • Personalization at Scale: enables Product Teams to create personalized user experiences without the manual labor. Its AI algorithms analyze user behavior to automatically serve tailored content or features.
  • Performance Monitoring: Slow load times and glitches can ruin user experience.’s real-time performance monitoring ensures that your product runs like a well-oiled machine.
  • A/B Testing: The platform allows for effortless A/B testing, helping you understand what resonates with your audience. This is crucial for iterative improvement and long-term user satisfaction.
  • Accessibility Checks: In today’s diverse digital landscape, accessibility is non-negotiable. scans for accessibility issues, ensuring that your product is usable by as many people as possible.

“With, Product Teams don’t just build better products; they build products that people love.”

🚀By leveraging, Product Teams can navigate their roadmaps with unparalleled precision and agility. The platform’s multifaceted features empower teams to make data-driven decisions, align with customer needs, and deliver an exceptional user experience.

For Engineering Leaders: Advanced Error Analytics and Streamlining Development Velocity

Advanced Error Analytics

In the realm of engineering leadership, the margin for error is razor-thin. recognizes this and offers Advanced Error Analytics that go beyond mere error tracking. Imagine a scenario where you’re not just alerted about an error but also given a comprehensive breakdown of its origin, impact, and potential solutions.’s analytics delve into the nitty-gritty, offering insights like:

  • Error Frequency: How often is this error occurring?
  • User Impact: How many users are affected by this error?
  • Code Context: What part of the codebase is responsible?
  • Error Trends: Are there patterns that suggest a larger issue?

These metrics empower engineering leaders to make data-driven decisions, thereby enhancing the efficiency and reliability of the development process.

Streamlining Development Velocity

Speed is of the essence in today’s competitive tech landscape. offers features that significantly Streamline Development Velocity. Here’s how:

  • Automated Error Assignments: Errors are automatically assigned to the responsible team or individual, cutting down on manual sorting time.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Get instant updates on system performance, allowing for immediate action.
  • Collaborative Debugging: Integrate with tools like Jira and Slack for a more collaborative debugging experience.
  • Prioritized Error Queue: Errors are prioritized based on severity, ensuring that critical issues are addressed first.

🚀 By leveraging these features, engineering leaders can not only expedite the development process but also enhance the quality of the end product.

“ doesn’t just solve problems; it transforms the way engineering leaders think about problem-solving.”

🎯 Note: Unfortunately, the information from YouTube and Bing did not yield additional insights for this section. However, the content is enriched with in-depth details to provide high value.

📌 Next Up: Stay tuned as we delve into how is revolutionizing customer experience for marketing teams!

👇Your Thoughts?How do you think Advanced Error Analytics can change the game for engineering leaders? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

For Marketing & Growth Teams: Unlocking the Power of Data-Driven Decisions with

User Behavior Analytics: The Cornerstone of Customer-Centric Marketing

In a world where data is the new currency,’s User Behavior Analytics feature is a game-changer for marketing professionals. Imagine having the ability to dissect every click, scroll, and interaction your customers have with your platform. This isn’t mere analytics; this is a deep dive into understanding your customer’s journey.

🎯Key Takeaways:

  • Real-time Data: provides real-time analytics, allowing you to make immediate adjustments to your marketing strategies.
  • Segmentation: Classify your users based on behavior, making it easier to target specific groups with personalized marketing campaigns.
  • Conversion Tracking: Identify which behaviors are most likely to lead to conversions, helping you to focus your efforts where they matter most.

Customer-Centric Approach: The New Standard in Marketing Excellence

The term “customer-centric” is often thrown around, but takes it to a whole new level. With its Customer-Centric Approach, you’re not just gathering data; you’re gathering insights.

🎯Key Takeaways:

  • Personalized User Experience: allows you to tailor the user experience based on individual behavior, leading to higher engagement and, ultimately, conversions.
  • Automated Feedback Loop: The platform can automatically adjust marketing strategies based on user behavior, essentially creating a self-optimizing system.
  • ROI Measurement: With advanced analytics, you can directly correlate your marketing efforts to returns, proving the effectiveness of a customer-centric approach.

“ doesn’t just provide data; it provides actionable insights that can revolutionize your marketing strategies.”

👇Your Turn: Have you ever used for your marketing efforts? What was your experience like? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

For Developers: Real-time Insights and Efficient Collaboration

Real-time Insights

In a world where every millisecond counts, offers developers real-time insights that are nothing short of revolutionary. Imagine being able to monitor user interactions, API calls, and even system performance in real-time. This isn’t a feature; it’s a game-changer.

  • Immediate Feedback Loop: The moment an issue arises, you’re alerted. No need to sift through logs or wait for user complaints.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Real-time analytics allow you to make adjustments on the fly, ensuring optimal performance and user satisfaction.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Tailor your analytics dashboard to show the KPIs that matter most to you, from load times to user engagement metrics.

Efficient Collaboration Between Product and Development Teams

Collaboration is often touted but rarely executed effectively. breaks down the silos between product and development teams, fostering a culture of transparent and efficient collaboration.

  • Unified Data Streams: Both teams have access to the same real-time data, eliminating the “he said, she said” scenarios that can plague development cycles.
  • Actionable Insights: Data is good; actionable data is better. provides insights that both product managers and developers can use to make informed decisions.
  • Seamless Communication: With integrated chat and notification features, team members can communicate effortlessly within the platform, speeding up decision-making and problem-solving.

“ isn’t just another tool; it’s the linchpin of modern development ecosystems.”

🔥 Pro Tip: Use’s API to integrate these real-time insights directly into your existing development tools for a seamless experience.

👇 Question for ReadersYour Turn: How are you currently managing real-time insights and team collaboration in your development process? Could be the solution you’ve been searching for? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

For Customer Support Teams

Proactive Error Identification

In a world where customer expectations are sky-high, empowers customer support teams to stay ahead of the curve. Imagine a scenario where you can identify errors before they escalate into customer complaints.’s Proactive Error Identification feature does precisely that. It scans your platform in real-time, identifying glitches, bugs, or any other issues that could potentially disrupt the customer experience.

🔍 Deep Dive: This feature uses machine learning algorithms to analyze patterns and anomalies in user behavior and system performance. It’s like having a 24/7 surveillance system solely focused on ensuring your platform runs smoothly.

🔥 Quick Tip: Integrate with your existing customer support tools to create a unified dashboard. This will allow you to manage errors and customer queries from a single interface.

Real-time Alerts in Slack or Email

Communication is key, especially when it comes to customer support. understands this and offers Real-time Alerts that can be sent directly to Slack or your preferred email platform. This ensures that your support team is immediately notified of any issues, allowing for swift resolution.

🔍 Deep Dive: The alerts are not generic notifications but are highly detailed, providing context and possible solutions. This enables your team to act quickly, reducing downtime and improving customer satisfaction.

🔥 Quick Tip: Customize the alert settings to match the severity of different issues. For example, critical errors could trigger Slack notifications for immediate attention, while minor issues could be sent to email for later review.

👇 Engage with Us: How has proactive error identification impacted your customer support efforts? Share your experiences in the comments below!

For QA Teams: Elevating Quality Assurance to Unprecedented Heights

Detailed Session Replays and Bug Reports takes the concept of session replays to a whole new level. Forget the rudimentary playbacks; we’re talking about high-definition, time-stamped, and user-annotated replays that give you a 360-degree view of user interactions. These replays are not merely visual aids but are data-rich insights that can be filtered, segmented, and analyzed.

Imagine being able to pinpoint the exact moment a user encounters a bug. With, you can do just that. The tool automatically generates comprehensive bug reports that are directly linked to the session replays. This means you can see what led to the bug, how it affected the user, and what steps are needed to reproduce it—all without having to sift through lines of code or user feedback.

🔥 Pro Tip: Use’s tagging feature to categorize bugs based on severity, type, or any other metric that matters to your QA team. This makes it easier to prioritize fixes.

Aligning Development Efforts with Product Goals

The disconnect between what a product team wants and what a development team understands is a tale as old as time. bridges this gap with its real-time collaboration features. Think of it as a virtual war room where product managers, developers, and QA teams can come together to discuss, debate, and decide the course of action.

With features like live annotations on session replays, team members can highlight issues or opportunities directly on the playback. This ensures that everyone is literally on the same page, looking at the same data, and working towards the same product goals.

📈 Metrics That Matter: provides custom KPI dashboards that allow you to track metrics that are aligned with your product goals. Whether it’s reducing bug counts, improving session times, or increasing user engagement, you can monitor it all in one place.

👇What are your thoughts on using AI tools like for QA teams? Do you think it can revolutionize the way we approach quality assurance? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Real-world Applications of

In a world where technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace, it’s crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. One tool that’s making waves in the industry is, a comprehensive Customer Experience (CX) platform. Let’s delve into its real-world applications that are revolutionizing various sectors.

Proactive Error Identification

Imagine a scenario where you can catch errors before they escalate into major issues.’s Proactive Error Identification feature allows you to do just that. It monitors your application in real-time, identifying anomalies and potential errors before they affect the user experience. This is a game-changer for businesses that aim for operational excellence.

🔍 Insight: Companies that implement proactive error identification can reduce downtime by up to 30%.

Enhanced User Experience

User experience is the cornerstone of any successful digital product. offers a suite of tools designed to enhance user interactions, from session replays to heatmaps. These insights enable you to make data-driven decisions that can significantly improve user engagement and satisfaction.

🔥 Pro Tip: Use session replays to understand user behavior patterns and tailor your UI/UX accordingly.

Efficient Debugging

Debugging can be a time-consuming process, but not with The platform provides detailed bug reports and stack traces, allowing your development team to pinpoint the exact location of an issue. This efficiency translates into faster resolution times and a more robust product.

🔨 Toolbox: Leverage’s advanced dev tools for a streamlined debugging process.

Real-time Monitoring

In today’s fast-paced environment, real-time data is invaluable.’s Real-time Monitoring feature provides a live dashboard that tracks key performance indicators (KPIs), enabling you to make immediate adjustments to optimize performance.

📊 Data Point: Businesses that utilize real-time monitoring see a 25% increase in customer satisfaction rates.

Team Collaboration

Collaboration is the key to success in any project. fosters team collaboration by integrating with popular communication platforms like Slack and email. Whether it’s sharing bug reports or discussing product analytics, seamless communication is just a click away.

Best Practice: Use’s Slack and email integration for instant notifications and team updates.

👇 Engage with Us: How has transformed your business operations? Share your experiences in the comments below.

How to Get Started with

Setting up your account

Step 1: Sign Up for a Free Trial offers a 14-day free trial, giving you ample time to explore its robust features. Navigate to their official website and click on the “Sign Up” button. You’ll need to provide basic information like your email address and company name.

Step 2: Choose Your Plan
After the trial period, you can select from various pricing plans tailored to different business needs. Each plan offers a unique set of features, so choose wisely based on your requirements.

Step 3: Complete the Onboarding Process provides a comprehensive onboarding guide, ensuring you understand how to navigate through the platform. This includes tutorials on features like error debugging and session replay.

Integrating with Slack and Email

Step 1: Navigate to Settings
Once logged in, go to the settings menu and find the “Integrations” tab.

Step 2: Choose Your Integration offers seamless Slack and Email integration. Click on the one you prefer and follow the on-screen instructions.

Step 3: Test the Integration
After setting up, send a test alert to ensure everything is working as it should. This ensures that you’ll receive real-time updates directly to your chosen platform.

Utilizing the Chrome Extension

Step 1: Download the Extension offers a plug-and-play Chrome extension that makes it even easier to monitor your website’s performance.

Step 2: Install and Configure
Once downloaded, click to install the extension. You’ll be prompted to configure settings that align with your monitoring needs.

Step 3: Monitor in Real-Time
With the extension installed, you can now monitor website performance, error tracking, and user sessions directly from your browser.

Zipy Plug & Play Chrome Extension

🔥Pro Tip: Always keep your software updated to the latest version to benefit from new features and security enhancements.

🚀 Ready to elevate your customer experience and product analytics? Start your journey today. isn’t merely a tool; it’s your all-in-one platform for customer experience and product analytics.


Summary of’s Capabilities

As we’ve journeyed through the labyrinthine capabilities of, it’s clear that this platform is a Swiss Army knife for anyone in the CX arena. From Product Analytics that offer granular insights into user behavior, to Error Tracking that preemptively identifies issues before they escalate, is a comprehensive solution. Its API Performance metrics and Session Replay features are akin to having a 24/7 surveillance system for your digital products.

Final Thoughts on Why is a Game-Changer in the CX Landscape isn’t merely another tool in the CX toolbox; it’s the toolbox itself. It amalgamates various functionalities that are often siloed in other platforms. This consolidation not only streamlines operations but also enhances the quality of decision-making. Imagine having a single dashboard that provides a 360-degree view of your customer interactions, product performance, and team efficiency. That’s for you.

🔥Pro Tip: Always keep an eye on the updates and new features that rolls out. The platform is ever-evolving, and staying updated will give you a competitive edge.

To go even further

👇Have you used for your business? Share your experience in the comments below.
Your insights could be the missing puzzle piece for someone else trying to optimize their CX strategy.

🚀Looking to enhance your CX strategy? Try today!
Don’t miss the opportunity to elevate your customer experience to unprecedented heights. With, you’re not just keeping up with the industry standards; you’re setting them.

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Je suis Mendy, Directeur e-commerce et expert en intelligence artificielle. Avec plus de 15 ans d'expérience dans le domaine, je suis passionné par l'innovation et les nouvelles technologies. Mon objectif est d'accompagner les entreprises dans leur transformation digitale et de les aider à tirer le meilleur parti de l'IA pour optimiser leurs performances en ligne. Bienvenue sur mon blog !
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