Automate Your Design-to-Code Workflow with AI for Web and App

Ever wished you could automate your design-to-code workflow? With AI, you can! Imagine converting your Figma designs into responsive code with just one click, without changing a thing in your original files. Need to tweak the code? You can easily refine it through chat. Whether you're creating "homepage hero sections" or "signup pages," makes it effortless. Curious to see how it works? Let's dive in!

Mendy Berrebi
By Mendy Berrebi
33 Min Read

Unleashing the Power of

Introduction to for Web and Mobile Optimization is revolutionizing how developers and marketers create and optimize web and mobile experiences. This platform combines the power of a Visual Headless CMS with advanced AI-driven technology, allowing teams to build, manage, and optimize digital content efficiently.

Overview of’s Capabilities

Introducing Visual Copilot 1.0: AI powered design-to-code using YOUR components offers a robust suite of tools designed to streamline the development process and enhance collaboration between developers and marketers. Here’s how:

  • Visual Headless CMS: This feature empowers users to build and manage content visually while leveraging a headless architecture that integrates seamlessly with any tech stack. It supports various frameworks such as React, Vue, and Angular, making it a versatile choice for different development needs.
  • Design to Code:’s integration with design tools like Figma allows for quick conversion of designs into clean, responsive code. This feature is particularly useful for developers looking to reduce development timelines by up to 80%.
  • Real-time Collaboration: Teams can collaborate in real-time, much like Google Docs, with features such as multi-user editing, commenting, and version history. This ensures that all stakeholders can contribute and stay aligned throughout the content creation process.

Key Features and Benefits

1. AI-Driven Optimization

  • Personalization & Targeting: Create and deliver personalized content experiences based on user data. This helps in increasing engagement and conversion rates.
  • A/B Testing: Easily run A/B tests to experiment with different content variations without impacting site performance. This helps in determining the most effective strategies for your audience.
The video above goes through this process in a previously unpublished entry. If your content entry is already published, the Builder UI will guide you.

2. Seamless Integration

  • Third-Party Integrations: supports integrations with popular platforms like Shopify, Salesforce, and BigCommerce, making it easy to incorporate into existing workflows.
  • API and Plugin Support: Developers can extend’s capabilities through APIs and custom plugins, ensuring that the platform can adapt to unique business needs.

3. User-Friendly Interface

  • Drag-and-Drop Editing: Even non-technical users can create and modify content using the intuitive drag-and-drop editor. This democratizes content creation and reduces dependency on developers.
  • Responsive Design: Automatically generate responsive code that works seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes, ensuring a consistent user experience.
Enable marketers and other digital team members to drag and drop to visually build on-brand experiences with the most flexible visual editor on the market.

Benefits for Developers and Marketers

Developers: Save time and effort with automated design-to-code workflows, real-time collaboration, and robust API integrations. allows developers to focus on more complex tasks by simplifying routine content management and code generation processes.

Marketers: Quickly create, test, and optimize marketing campaigns without needing extensive technical knowledge. The platform’s user-friendly tools make it easy to adapt content to market needs, improving agility and responsiveness.

🔥 Pro Tip: Utilize’s A/B testing feature to continuously optimize your content based on real user data. This can significantly enhance user engagement and conversion rates.

The Visual Co-Pilot: Your AI Assistant

What is the Visual Co-Pilot?

The Visual Co-Pilot is a powerful AI assistant within designed to bridge the gap between design and code, enhancing collaboration between designers and developers. This feature integrates seamlessly with tools like Figma, enabling the quick conversion of design files into clean, responsive code. By automating parts of the development process, Visual Co-Pilot helps teams work faster and more efficiently.

Convert designs to code: Run the Figma plugin to convert your design into clean, accessible code.

Key Features and Benefits

Real-Time Collaboration and Design Tools

AI-Driven Code Generation: Visual Co-Pilot uses AI to convert Figma designs into React, Vue, Angular, and other frameworks’ code in real-time. This eliminates the need for manual coding, reducing development timelines by up to 80% (source).

Integration with Design Tools: Designers can directly import their Figma designs into The Visual Co-Pilot then generates the corresponding code, making it easy to start with a solid foundation. It also allows for iteration and refinement using predefined prompts like “use props” or “use Next.js Image” (source).

Collaborative Features: With real-time multiplayer editing, team members can collaborate simultaneously without conflicts. This feature is crucial for maintaining a smooth workflow, as it allows multiple users to make changes and updates in real-time (source).

Semantic and Accessible Code: The code generated by Visual Co-Pilot is clean, semantic, and accessible. This ensures that it is easy to read, edit, update, and integrate into any site or app, making it developer-friendly (source).

Responsive Design: The AI ensures that the code is automatically responsive, even if the original design files do not use auto layout. This guarantees that the final output looks great on all devices (source).

Component Reuse and Mapping: Visual Co-Pilot can sync Figma components with reusable code components, allowing for consistent design and faster development. This feature supports dynamic front-end components with variants from Figma component sets (source).

Enhanced Productivity: By automating repetitive tasks and providing AI-driven suggestions, Visual Co-Pilot significantly enhances productivity. Developers can focus on more complex tasks, while the AI handles routine aspects of the code generation process (source).

Real-Time Collaboration Design Tools

The video above shows what the Visual Editor is like when more than one person is working in a content entry at the same time.

Multi-User Editing: Similar to Google Docs, supports real-time multi-user editing. This means that multiple team members can work on the same project simultaneously, ensuring a cohesive and efficient workflow (source).

Version Control and Commenting: Track changes with version control, allowing teams to revert to previous versions if needed. The commenting feature enables team members to discuss feedback and share updates directly on specific content blocks (source).

Role-Based Permissions: Custom roles and permissions ensure that the right people have access to the right tools and content. This helps in managing workflows and maintaining security (source).

A/B Testing and Personalization: Easily create and test different content variations to see which performs best. Personalize content for different audiences based on data attributes to deliver more relevant and engaging experiences (source).

🔥 Pro Tip: Use the AI-driven suggestions from Visual Co-Pilot to enhance your design-to-code process. This can help you maintain a consistent design language across your project while speeding up development.

Visual Headless CMS: The Future of Content Management

Advantages of a Visual Headless CMS

Defining Visual Headless CMS

A Visual Headless CMS is an advanced content management system that combines the flexibility of headless architecture with a visual interface. Unlike traditional CMS platforms, a headless CMS separates the content management backend from the front-end presentation, allowing content to be delivered via APIs to any device or platform.’s Visual Headless CMS enhances this concept by providing a user-friendly, visual interface that makes content creation and management accessible even to non-technical users. This platform supports real-time collaboration, version control, and seamless integration with various design and development tools.

Builder io Headless CMS Visual Headless CMS Solution’s Visual Headless CMS is designed to streamline the content management process. It integrates features like:

  • Real-Time Collaboration: Multiple users can edit content simultaneously, similar to Google Docs, ensuring smooth workflow and minimizing conflicts.
  • Role-Based Permissions: Customizable roles and permissions help manage who can do what, enhancing security and workflow management.
  • Version Control: Track changes and revert to previous versions as needed, providing a robust safety net for content updates.
  • Seamless Integrations: Integrates with popular platforms like Shopify, Salesforce, and BigCommerce, making it versatile and adaptable to various business needs.

These features collectively enhance productivity and collaboration, making content management more efficient and less reliant on developer intervention.

Advantages of a Visual Headless CMS


A headless CMS offers unmatched flexibility. Content is stored independently of its presentation, allowing it to be reused across different platforms and devices. This is particularly beneficial for businesses aiming for omnichannel content delivery.


By decoupling the backend and frontend, updates and changes can be made more quickly without affecting the entire system. This means faster time-to-market for new content and features.

Ease of Integration’s CMS integrates easily with existing tech stacks and third-party services, thanks to its API-first approach. This ensures that businesses can continue using their preferred tools while enhancing their content management capabilities.

Omnichannel Content Delivery

With a headless CMS, content can be delivered seamlessly across various channels, including websites, mobile apps, and IoT devices. This ensures a consistent and engaging user experience, regardless of the platform.

Benefits of Headless CMS for Modern Web

  1. Scalability: Easily scale your content management to handle increased traffic and content load without significant infrastructure changes.
  2. Personalization: Deliver personalized content experiences based on user data, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.
  3. Analytics and Optimization: Utilize built-in analytics and A/B testing to understand user behavior and optimize content performance.

🔥 Pro Tip: Take advantage of’s real-time collaboration and version control features to streamline your content creation process and ensure consistent updates across your team.

Seamless Integration with Figma

How Integrates with Figma provides a smooth integration with Figma, enhancing your workflow by allowing you to import your designs directly into the platform. This integration is pivotal for creating a streamlined design-to-code process, facilitating collaboration between designers and developers.

With, you can import designs from Figma with just a click. This process automatically converts the design elements into code, making it easy to get started on building web or mobile applications. This feature is designed to eliminate the manual process of converting designs into code, significantly reducing development time and increasing efficiency.

Process: Pasting Figma layers into Builder

Key Features of Figma Integration

Convert Figma Designs to Code Effortlessly

  1. One-Click Conversion: With a single click, can convert Figma designs into high-quality components compatible with various frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular. This feature speeds up the development process by allowing teams to quickly move from design to a working prototype or live webpage.
  2. Automatic Responsiveness: The platform ensures that designs are automatically responsive, adjusting to fit different screen sizes. This is particularly useful for maintaining consistency across various devices, ensuring that your design looks great on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  3. Framework and Library Support: supports a wide range of frameworks and styling libraries, including Tailwind CSS, Material UI, and Emotion. This compatibility ensures that the generated code integrates seamlessly with your existing projects and adheres to your preferred styling practices.
  4. Customizable Code Structure: After generating the code, you can structure it to fit your specific needs, using your existing components or modifying hard-coded content to use props. This flexibility allows for maintaining consistency and quality across your codebase.
  5. Real-Time Updates:’s integration with Figma also allows for real-time updates. Changes made in Figma can be automatically synced with, ensuring that your development environment is always up-to-date with the latest design iterations.
  6. Developer-Friendly: The integration is designed to be easy for developers to use. Code snippets can be copied directly from the tool, eliminating the need for manual export and integration. This feature reduces the friction typically associated with integrating design-generated code into the development workflow.

🔥 Pro Tip: Utilize the automatic responsiveness feature to ensure your designs look perfect on all devices without manual adjustments. This will save significant time and ensure a consistent user experience.

Empowering E-commerce with Shopify

Enhancing Shopify with

Builder for Shopify significantly enhances the capabilities of Shopify by integrating advanced CMS features that streamline the management of e-commerce sites. The Shopify CMS integration allows store owners to leverage’s powerful visual editing tools, enabling non-technical users to create, manage, and optimize their online stores without extensive coding knowledge.

Integration with Shopify: seamlessly integrates with Shopify, bringing a robust set of tools to manage and enhance your e-commerce site. This integration facilitates real-time updates and ensures that all changes made in are reflected immediately on your Shopify store, enhancing the overall efficiency and responsiveness of site management.

Advanced CMS Capabilities: With, users can utilize a visual headless CMS that provides drag-and-drop functionality, real-time collaboration, and advanced role-based permissions. These features help teams work together more efficiently, reducing the reliance on developers for routine content updates and site modifications.

Shopify-Specific Features

Custom Shopify Page Builder and Dynamic Content

  1. Custom Page Building: The custom Shopify page builder allows users to create and customize pages using a visual interface. This feature supports dynamic content blocks, which can be easily rearranged and configured to meet the specific needs of your store. By using’s visual editor, users can quickly build and modify product pages, landing pages, and more without writing code.
  2. Dynamic Content Delivery: enables dynamic content delivery, allowing store owners to personalize the shopping experience for each visitor. This can be based on user behavior, preferences, and other data points, ensuring that customers see relevant products and promotions. This personalized approach helps in increasing engagement and conversion rates.
  3. Personalized Shopping Experiences: With the integration of advanced features like A/B testing and analytics, helps store owners optimize their content and layout for better performance. Personalized content can be targeted to specific customer segments, enhancing the shopping experience and driving sales.

Benefits of for Shopify

Enhanced Flexibility: The visual editor and headless CMS architecture provide unparalleled flexibility, allowing users to create and manage content without being restricted by rigid templates.

Speed and Efficiency: Real-time updates and drag-and-drop functionality speed up the content creation process, making it easier to launch new campaigns and products quickly.

Seamless Integration: integrates smoothly with existing Shopify setups, ensuring that all enhancements are implemented without disrupting the current workflow.

🔥 Pro Tip: Use’s dynamic content features to personalize your Shopify store, showing different products and offers based on customer behavior. This can lead to higher engagement and increased sales.

Optimizing BigCommerce Stores

Integrating with BigCommerce offers a seamless integration with BigCommerce, enabling store owners to leverage advanced CMS capabilities to enhance their online stores. This integration focuses on improving store performance and enhancing the user experience through its robust features.

Add BigCommerce and to your tech stack

Integration with BigCommerce: integrates effortlessly with BigCommerce, allowing users to take advantage of’s powerful visual editing tools. This integration ensures that any updates or changes made within are immediately reflected on the BigCommerce store, streamlining the process of managing and updating e-commerce sites. This real-time synchronization enhances efficiency and reduces the time needed for development and content updates.

Improving Store Performance: By utilizing’s visual headless CMS, store owners can significantly improve the performance of their BigCommerce stores. The platform’s advanced features, such as real-time collaboration, role-based permissions, and detailed analytics, help in optimizing site performance and user engagement. These tools allow for quick adjustments and updates, ensuring that the site remains fast and responsive.

Key Features for BigCommerce

Drag-and-Drop Editing and Performance Optimization

  1. Drag-and-Drop Editing: The visual editor provided by allows users to easily create and customize pages using a simple drag-and-drop interface. This feature is particularly useful for non-technical users, as it removes the need for coding knowledge. Users can quickly build, modify, and optimize product pages, landing pages, and other components of their store with ease.
  2. Performance Optimization Tools: includes a range of tools designed to optimize site performance. These tools help in maintaining a high level of responsiveness and speed, ensuring that the user experience is smooth and efficient. Features such as automatic responsiveness and semantic, accessible code ensure that your site performs well across all devices and platforms.
  3. Mobile Responsiveness: Ensuring that your e-commerce site is mobile-friendly is crucial in today’s market.’s integration guarantees that all designs and updates are automatically responsive, adapting seamlessly to various screen sizes. This ensures a consistent user experience, whether customers are browsing on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device.

Benefits of for BigCommerce

Enhanced Flexibility: The drag-and-drop editor and headless CMS architecture offer unparalleled flexibility, allowing users to create and manage content without being restricted by rigid templates.

Speed and Efficiency: Real-time updates and intuitive editing tools significantly speed up the content creation and management process, enabling quick launches of new campaigns and products.

Seamless Integration: integrates smoothly with existing BigCommerce setups, ensuring that all enhancements and updates are implemented without disrupting the current workflow.

🔥 Pro Tip: Leverage’s performance optimization tools to ensure your BigCommerce store is fast and responsive, enhancing the overall shopping experience and potentially increasing conversion rates.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud Integration

Connecting with Salesforce Commerce Cloud’s integration with Salesforce Commerce Cloud empowers businesses to enhance their e-commerce capabilities with advanced headless CMS features. This integration is designed to offer seamless connectivity, ensuring that your Salesforce Commerce Cloud storefronts are more flexible, dynamic, and optimized for performance.

Builder io salesforce ecommerce cloud
Build Headless Storefronts for Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Integration with Salesforce Commerce Cloud: connects with Salesforce Commerce Cloud to provide a visual content management system that simplifies the process of building and managing e-commerce sites. This integration allows users to manage their digital storefronts using a drag-and-drop interface, reducing the reliance on developers for routine updates and ensuring that non-technical users can easily contribute to site management.

Enhanced Headless Commerce Capabilities: By integrating with Salesforce Commerce Cloud, leverages its headless architecture to deliver content more efficiently across various channels. This setup supports omnichannel strategies, ensuring that content is consistently displayed on websites, mobile apps, and other digital touchpoints.

Features and Benefits

Customizable Salesforce Storefronts

Builder | Salesforce Composable Storefront Integration
  1. Composable Storefronts: enables the creation of composable storefronts, allowing users to build and customize their digital storefronts using reusable components. This approach supports a modular design, making it easier to update and scale your e-commerce site.
  2. API-Driven Architecture: The integration uses an API-driven architecture, which allows for seamless data exchange between and Salesforce Commerce Cloud. This ensures that content updates are reflected in real-time across all digital platforms, enhancing the efficiency of content management and delivery.
  3. Personalized Customer Experiences: provides tools for personalizing the shopping experience based on customer behavior and preferences. Features like A/B testing and analytics allow businesses to optimize content and layouts, delivering a more engaging and customized experience to each visitor.

Benefits of for Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Enhanced Flexibility: The drag-and-drop editor and headless CMS architecture offer unparalleled flexibility, allowing users to create and manage content without being restricted by rigid templates.

Speed and Efficiency: Real-time updates and intuitive editing tools significantly speed up the content creation and management process, enabling quick launches of new campaigns and products.

Seamless Integration: integrates smoothly with existing Salesforce Commerce Cloud setups, ensuring that all enhancements and updates are implemented without disrupting the current workflow.

🔥 Pro Tip: Use’s composable storefronts to create modular and reusable components. This not only speeds up the design process but also ensures consistency across your site.

Innovative Use Cases of

Revolutionizing Headless E-commerce

Headless E-commerce Solutions with

Build interface

  • Support for Headless E-commerce Implementations: provides tools that simplify the creation and management of e-commerce sites using a headless architecture. This ensures that content can be delivered efficiently across multiple channels, including web, mobile, and IoT devices.
  • Improved Performance and Scalability: By decoupling the front-end and back-end, ensures that e-commerce sites can handle increased traffic and content loads without compromising performance.
  • Personalized Experiences:’s personalization features allow businesses to deliver tailored shopping experiences, improving user engagement and conversion rates.

Boosting Website Marketing

Using for Effective Marketing Sites

  • Create and Optimize Marketing Websites: The visual editor and headless CMS make it easy for marketers to create, update, and optimize content without needing extensive technical skills.
  • Enhance Content Management: Real-time collaboration, role-based permissions, and version control features streamline the content management process, ensuring that teams can work together efficiently.
  • Drive Engagement: Features like A/B testing and analytics help marketers understand user behavior and optimize their content for better engagement and conversion.

Building High-Conversion Landing Pages

Optimizing Landing Pages with Tools

  • Tools for Building and Optimizing Landing Pages: The drag-and-drop editor allows users to quickly create landing pages tailored to their marketing campaigns.
  • A/B Testing and Performance Analytics: These features enable users to test different versions of their landing pages and analyze performance metrics to determine the most effective designs.
  • Ensure High Conversion Rates: By continuously optimizing landing pages based on data-driven insights, businesses can improve their conversion rates significantly.

Enhancing Mobile App Experiences

Mobile App CMS with

  • Support for Mobile App Development: integrates with various mobile development frameworks, allowing developers to use the same tools and workflows they are familiar with.
  • Manage Mobile App Content: The platform provides a central hub for managing content across web and mobile applications, ensuring consistency and efficiency.
  • Enhance User Engagement and Retention: Personalized content and real-time updates help keep mobile app users engaged, leading to higher retention rates.

Managing Multiple Brands Efficiently

Multi-Brand Content Management with

  • Manage Multiple Brands from a Single Platform: The multi-brand CMS capabilities allow businesses to handle content for different brands without needing separate systems.
  • Streamline Content Management: Real-time collaboration and role-based permissions ensure that content management is efficient and secure.
  • Ensure Brand Consistency: The platform’s tools help maintain consistent branding across different digital properties, ensuring a cohesive brand experience.

🔥 Pro Tip: Utilize’s A/B testing and personalization features to continuously optimize your content and improve user engagement across all digital platforms.

Pricing Plans: Finding the Right Fit

Comparison of Pricing Plans offers flexible pricing plans to suit various business needs. Below is a comparison of the features included in each plan:

Feature Free Basic Growth Enterprise
Price $0 $19/user/mo $49/user/mo Custom Pricing
Spaces Included 1 1 1 Custom
Users Included 1 1 1 Custom
Max Users per Space 10 20 20 Custom
Visual Copilot Code Generations 50 500 2500 Custom
Context Window 4k 16k 16k 16k
Visual Views 10k 100k 100k Custom
Max Monthly Visual Views 10k 2M 2M Custom
API Requests Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Content Models Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Content Entries Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Data Sources Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Visual Editor
Content Scheduling
Targeting & Segmentation
A/B Testing
Private Plugins
Single Sign-On
Uptime & Premium Support

Which Plan Suits Your Needs? Pricing Plans for Developers and Marketers

Free Plan: Ideal for individuals and small projects. It includes basic features like the visual editor and API access, but has limits on visual views and code generations.

Basic Plan: Best for small businesses needing more capabilities. It adds more code generations and visual views, and supports up to 20 users per space.

Growth Plan: Suitable for growing businesses that require advanced features like localization, content scheduling, and A/B testing. This plan is priced at $49/user per month.

Enterprise Plan: Designed for large enterprises, offering custom features and premium support. Pricing is tailored to specific business needs and includes everything from the Growth plan plus additional customizations.

Choosing the Right Plan for Your Business

When selecting a plan, consider:

  1. Business Size: Smaller businesses may find the Basic or Free plan sufficient, while larger enterprises will benefit from the Growth or Enterprise plans.
  2. Feature Needs: Evaluate the specific features you need. For advanced features like A/B testing and analytics, the Growth or Enterprise plans are ideal.
  3. Budget: Align the plan with your budget constraints. Investing in higher-tier plans can provide significant benefits in terms of features and support.
  4. Support: If you need dedicated support and advanced features, the Enterprise plan offers the highest level of service.

🔥 Pro Tip: For businesses looking to scale quickly, the Growth plan offers a great balance of advanced features and cost-effectiveness. Utilize the analytics and A/B testing tools to continuously optimize your content strategy.

Conclusion: The Future of AI in Web Development offers a suite of AI-powered tools and integrations that revolutionize web and mobile development. By leveraging these solutions, businesses can enhance their digital presence, improve user experiences, and stay ahead in the competitive market.

The Impact of AI on Web and Mobile Development’s AI-driven platform, including the Visual Copilot, transforms how developers and marketers create and manage digital content. Here are key ways is shaping the future of web and mobile development:

  1. AI-Powered Design to Code: Visual Copilot converts Figma designs into clean, semantic code compatible with various frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular. This automated process reduces development timelines by up to 80%, allowing teams to ship products faster and more efficiently.
  2. Enhanced Personalization:’s platform supports advanced personalization features, enabling businesses to deliver targeted content based on user behavior and preferences. This increases engagement and conversion rates by providing users with more relevant and tailored experiences.
  3. Real-Time Collaboration: The real-time collaboration features allow multiple team members to work on the same project simultaneously, similar to Google Docs. This enhances teamwork and ensures that updates are made seamlessly and efficiently.
  4. Seamless Integration: integrates effortlessly with popular platforms like Shopify, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, and BigCommerce. This ensures that businesses can leverage’s powerful tools without disrupting their existing workflows.
  5. Scalability and Flexibility: The headless CMS architecture of provides unparalleled flexibility, allowing businesses to manage content across multiple channels and devices. This makes it easier to scale and adapt to changing market demands.

🔥 Pro Tip: Use’s AI-powered tools to automate routine tasks and focus on strategic initiatives. This can help your team work more efficiently and achieve better results.

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Je suis Mendy, Directeur e-commerce et expert en intelligence artificielle. Avec plus de 15 ans d'expérience dans le domaine, je suis passionné par l'innovation et les nouvelles technologies. Mon objectif est d'accompagner les entreprises dans leur transformation digitale et de les aider à tirer le meilleur parti de l'IA pour optimiser leurs performances en ligne. Bienvenue sur mon blog !
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